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For Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell on the Xbox, GameFAQs has 6 cheat codes and secrets. Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell – Cheats Xbox. Game Boy Advance GameCube. For Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow on the Game Boy Advance, Guide and Walkthrough by tatusbeta2.
Use the above links or scroll down see all to the Xbox cheats we have available for Splinter Cell.
Hacking Into Feirong's Computer
On the 5th Chinese Embassy level, generalFeirong is threatening to kill himself. Get to hisoffice and grab him, then interrogate him. butwhile holding him hostage interact with thecomputer. After general Feirong has gotten theneeded information , he will fall to the ground.What ever you do through this wholeprocedure, don't knock general Feirong out!
Automatic Gun
When you get into the level where you can startuseing the bigger gun take anything that can beshot from your gun and equip it. Next make sureit is loaded, or connected correctly, then startshooting.
Keeping Stealth
To keep yourself unknown from people always makesure that you fully check a new area befor youmove on. Another thing you can do is look aroundfor a second way to get somewhere, then make abackup plan, just incase.
U.F.O. Vault
In the C.I.A. Mission there is a roomentitled 'U.F.O. Sightings.' To go there, passMr. Mitchell Dougherty's office and then passthe key-code locked doors at the end of thehallway. Hang a left, then pick the lock to theU.F.O. Sightings office. Inside, there is alaptop. Access the computer. 'Data Stick pickedup.' View your OPSAT, then click on the datastick at the end of the list. In the message isa six-digit number sequence on the text linedirectly below the subject. This number can beseen frequently throught the context of thecorrespondence. Use this number as the key-codeon the door adjacent to the office entrance.Inside is a vault that is inaccessable. But,there is some reward for going through all this.On two of the three tables there are two 'StickyShockers' and three 'Sticky Cameras.'
Throw Further
When you are throwing a can or a bottle, hold Lto throw it harder and further.
Elavator (Presedential Palace)
After you use the code and open the door to thelibrary, you'll will come to a hall with anelevator at the end. At the end of this hallwaythere are three guards. Which player cheated on the game show 21. Two walking around theelevator and one staring at some door, the onestanding at the door is on the right side withhis back to the elevator. Now that we have thelayout lets begin. After opening the door (thecode is 66768) take out your pistol and shoot thelight. turn on your night vision googles lookright and you will see a health kit and ammo.Pick that up. Go down the right side about halfway take out your SC-20K and shoot the lightright infront of the elevator (hint: turn on thethermal vision to help you). The second you dothis turn around and run in crouch to the roomyou were just in go out the window and just hangthere until the music turns to normal. Go backinto the hallway and go down the right side ofthe hall till your stealth meter starts risingbut keep it to the far left, you should getpretty far. When the guys that walk aroun theelevator go past you go fast but dont run to thatdark corner. If you look right theres that guy Iwas talking about looking at that door justsimply sneak behind him, grab him, bring him tothe door and knock him out, grab the satchel.Again wait for those guys to past you and runinto the elevator. Remember though that you haveto open the elevator and push the down button,both of these are on the right side of theelevator if your are facing it from that doorwhere you knocked out the guy.
Three-foot Death
On the beguining of the second level, rapel allthe way down the building and jump off when youare about three feet off the ground. The alarmwill go off and you will die.
Steps You Should Take As Sam Fisher
For all the new people that are playing Splinter Cell these are the steps you should take to complete your mission
Gettin Past The Metal Detector (CIA Level)
First to use this hint you have to use 'The EasyWay Into The CIA' by captinHOWDY9485. Now you areover the CIA at the main door. There are threepeople in this area one guy goin up and downpatrolling,a guy that is at a counter in the farleft corner, and a guy at a room in the far leftcorner. First staying on top of the door jumpdown when the patrolling guard turns his back toyou grab him and knock him out and drag him tothe dark corner on the right go to the left sideof the room and go down the middle because thatswhere its darkest the guy will be looking outtoward the wall on the right jump over thecounter and land quietly sneak up grab him andbring him to a dark corner to knock him out. Thelast guy in the room dont knock out. Take outyour handy optic cable and make sure hes facingaway from the door. When he is enter the room andturn out the lights he will get alarmed and startsearching. I've done this a couple of times hewill turn right when he does take advantge and incrouch position run to the other door,down themiddle, on the right side of the room. Open itand since hes lookin the other way he wont seeyou. Go through the open door that you will seeon the left. Keep going and you will eventuallyreach a check point
The Easy Way In CIA..
On the beginning CIA when Lambert starts hisusual complaining about what you have to do toget into CIA, just simply ignore him. There's aMUCH easier way into the place then the fans, andyou don't have to avoid pesky cameras either.Firstly after the guard passes you on the startof the level run to the wall on the right side ofthe grass (near the main locked CIA doorway. Nowas soon as the guard gets far enough away jumponto the small ledge and grab onto the otherarched ledge that is over all of the doorways.Climb up and slowly walk to the other side of thearch (you'll hear the driver get searched andcomplain about him being singled out because ofhis 'heritage' when you start to pass the van).Now drop silently to the ground (you should stillbe in the safety of darkness), and don't worryabout the time limit, you won't be going into thebasement. Turn on your night vision (if youhaven't done so already), and look at thebuilding wall, you should see a pipe, climb up itand you'll find out that only suckers go inthrough the fan section. You should see a ventopen in the wall, go into it and drop down, andnow you're officially 'in' CIA headquarters.
Secret Area
In training, after Lambert tells you to look forthe lights, run to the left wall and wall jump toit. There will be a door. To open it type in 5656on the key pad.
Nikoladze The Zombie
On the Presidental Palace level, after you snipeNikoladze, go back to the library. Take the minilift up and into the previous room. You will seeNikoladze standing there well and alive. Hedoesn't even notice you even if you stand infront of him. It is quite fun to see.
In the CIA level, you come to a point where you have to perfectly have three people walking away and stuff. To make this a WHOLE lot easier sneak up behind the patrolling guard AFTER the guys finish taliking and knock him out. Then when you have to go through the door the code is 7687.
Caught Sleepin
On the Chinese Embassy the second time you haveto go there, you will eventually get to a roomwhere there are two guards asleep on bunk beds.This is a really funny way to get rid of them.First of all, there is broken glass on the floorbetween the two guards' beds, so walk slowly.Second of all, there is a medical kit on the bedon the left on the first guard's bed. 3rd of all,there is a frag and some ammo on the table inbetween the two beds up against the wall. Okhere's the funny part. Jump on one of the bedsand you should be able to climb up on top of one.Jump down and land quietly on the table. Put awall mine on the wall between the beds andquietly jump down and get to the other side ofthe room that is lit up. Grab one of the glassbottles that are lying on the floor. Throw itsomewhere and the noise will wake the guards up.When they wake up they move.. the wall mineblows up when it detects motion.. a few secondslater the mine will go 'deet deet deet' and thenthere will be a huge explosion and their bodieswill fly across the room and catch on fire.. andof course they are dead when this happens.This isall right before you have to use the thermalgoggles to get through the first keypad lockeddoor.
Saving Equipment On The First Chinise Level
Try to shot Sticky cams in the guards head. Theywill be KO at once and you can pick up the camsafter using them!
Chat With Grimsdottir
On the training mission, there is a hidden roomdirectly above and behind where Sam begins. Whenfacing away from the wall behind Sam, go to theright-hand side. Double-Jump up to the edge,then enter the door. On the shelf is a lock-pickkit. With it, go to where the Covert-Ops sectionbegins. There is a locked door. Pick the lock.Access the computer. 'Note added to OPSAT.' Withthis code, go to insertion point. Only this timego to opposite ledge and type in the code.Inside this Observation room is Grimsdottir, thetechnical advisor (Computer Geek).
Throwing Bottles
To throw bottles or cans from the 'American'sapartment' (this is found on the police levelwhen you are looking for the black box), simplygo up to one without any weapons out, interact(do this by pressing the 'A' button), and thenpress the 'X' button. Once you've done so, aimthe bottle or can where you want to and press thetrigger on the right hand side.
Thermal Goggles
Thermal Goggles help you see in the dark. You can use them by pressing 'left' on the depad that is the furthest depad at the bottom of the left hand side of your controller. Press it once to put them on. Press it again while you have them on, to take the googles off.
Avoiding Cameras
Sometimes there will be cameras on missions. These can cause a savire problemsometimes. To avoid getting seen by a camera. Shoot it out with your silenced 5-7 handgun. If you don't have any ammo to shoot the camera. Wait untill it points to the opposite side of the area you want to get accorss to. However - shooting out the camera would be easier. If you can't get to the camera with out getting seen by it. Shoot outthe lights around you. Now go for the camera. Or use your Thermal Goggles to get to where you want to go.
Defusing The Wall Mine
To defuse the wall mine, wait for the red light turn green and then sam will pick it up.
It's best for you to stay crouched when going towards an enemy. Also when the enemy getsuspicious and come towards you just stay crouched and find a dark place and wait for the guard to turn around.
Staying Hidden
It's a whole lot easier not to get discoveredif you stay in the dark. If there's a guard orofficer looking for you. Staying in a dark cornerwill not get you found so easily.
All Levels
Start a new profile and name it !lamaudite! andgo to the level selection and you should haveall the level .But dont forget the ! before andafter it.
Keypad Codes
https://gentrecures1973.mystrikingly.com/blog/how-to-cheat-at-shell-game. We have no unlockables for Splinter Cell yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
We have no easter eggs for Splinter Cell yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
We have no glitches for Splinter Cell yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
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Created by: evilmastercheif.Read the full guide..
Avoiding detection
Blocking doors
Disabling Wall Mines
Dropping down from high locations silently
Escaping a room full of soldiers
Faster manual lockpick
Glitch: Stand on Light
Hiding bodies
Keypad codes
The Keypad Door: 28469
Mission 1, Police Station
Splinter Cell Game Boy Advance Cheats 4
Blaustein's Balcony Door: 091772Mission 2, Defense Ministry
No keypad doors
Mission 3, Oil Refinery
No keypad doors
Mission 4, CIA HQ
Technical Services Room: 7687
Battery Generator Backup Room: 110598
Storage Room: 2977
Main Server Room: 2019
Weapons Testing Department: 110700
West Entrance to Information Retrieval: 0614
Mission 5, Kalinatek
Security Door: 97531
Archives Department: 33575
Splinter Cell Game Boy Advance Cheats Pc
Back Door on Third Floor: 1250
Mission 6, Nuclear Power Plant
Cooling Rod Control Room: 560627
Door to Maintenance Shaft: 151822
Maintenance Shaft: 795021
Mission 7, Chinese Embassy
No keypad doors
Mission 8, Abbotoir
Door to Ceiling: 770215
Mission 9, Chinese Embassy
Door to Hall: 1423
Door at Back of Warehouse: 1456
Door to Elevator: 7921
Door to General Keirong's Office: 1836
Mission 10, Presidential Palace
Garden Gate: 2126
Door to Corridor: 70021
Knock out an enemy
Knockouts with Sticky Cameras
Luring your enemy
Splinter Cell Games For Pc
To do this, find a can or glass bottle to pick up. Once obtained, move to a location, preferably dark. While hidden, throw the can or bottle to an open area with an enemy nearby. When thrown, the enemy will wonder what happened and walk towards that location. After you have drawn him out, you can take him out for an easy kill.Retrieving Sticky Camera
Save ammunition
Taking out two guards
Splinter Cell Cheat Codes
Shoot a sticky camera near the guard closest to you. When he approaches, use the gas to knock him out. The other guard will approach to investigate. You must either shoot him with a non lethal round if you cannot have casualties, or take him out with a head shot if killing is sanctioned. This has to be done correctly or he will revive the guard that you knocked out.Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Game Boy Advance Cheats
Thermal goggle keypad readings
Use Sticky Bomb without the Game Boy Advance
Splinter Cell Cheats Xbox
During gameplay make sure that your Sticky Bomb is above your SC-20K M.A.W.S (your big gun) on the Inventory List. On any level pick up a can or bottle and go to your Inventory, go to your SC-20K press up on your D-pad (your cross at the left of your controller) press A and you should have the Sticky Bomb on your weapon thing on the bottom right cornor of the screen. You have to press the L button for it to shoot off, then for it to blow up you have to shoot it. | Submitted by AndyKNOW SOMETHING WE DON'T?
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